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domingo, janeiro 27, 2013

It´s Carnival Time in Brazil

Copyright Soaroir

No Carnaval

Eu me escondo, me recolho
Até dou me uma sumida
Mas no "mute" fica o olho
Nesta urbe ensandecida.

Um batuque, um tambor
Desfilado na avenida
Faz até trabalhador
Se esquecer da própria vida...

I hide myself, in reclusion
I allow myself to desappear
But in mute I keep connected
In this phony happy urbis.
A "batuque", a long drum
Paraded on the avenue
Makes up even workers
To forget their own lives.


First draft/translation:

It´s Carnival in Brazil
Copyright Soaroir Jan.27.13

I hide myself, in reclusion
I allow myself to disappear
But in mute I lay my eyes
(but in mute I keep connected)
In this crazy, loony urbis
In this fake/phony happy urbis.
A "batuque", a long drum
Paraded on the avenue
Makes up even workers
To forget their own lives.

At Carnival

(camouflaged, I

(I hide, I gather
Also I give me a faint/scram
But in “mude” keep my eyes
In this loony  urbis.

A drumming, drum
Paraded on the avenue
Makes up even workers
Forget their own lives)

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